An insight into a year's learning in Year 1
Autumn 1
During the following year your child will be studying many different topics. The newsletter is designed to give you a general outline of the topics which we will be learning about. It will also inform you of any extra home work your child will need to do during the half term.
Our topic this half term is Ourselves.
In R.E, we are looking at the different communities we belong to.
In Computing, the children will be learning to log onto their own individual profile saving and opening work. This is part of our internet safety and we will be using the Hector’s World programme to learn how to be safe on the computer.
We will be learning about our bodies in Science, this will include looking at how our bodies work, the way we use our senses and how we change. We will also be looking at the differences between humans and animals and what they both need to keep healthy.
In English we are learning about labels and captions, then poetry based on our senses.
We will then be looking at writing stories with familiar settings.
Maths will still take a practical approach in year 1 but your child will be learning to sort order and classify objects as well as counting, adding and subtracting them.
In Art we will looking at portraits and recreating our own portraits in the style of different artist.
Portraits in the style of Picasso
Autumn 2
This term our topic is all about Dinosaurs.
We have been on a walk to the museum to look at the fossil that where found on the sight of Highbury school.
We will be learning about what animals eat and how we can group them in Science. We will also be experiencing different types of Science enquiry.
We will be writing recounts and learning how to sequence instructions in English.
Maths this half term will focus on numbers to 10 through sorting, identifying, grouping, addition and subtraction.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Celebrating differences’. We will be looking at things that are the same as our friends and things that are different and how we accept these differences.
We looked at lots of different fossils and learnt about Mary Anning. We also make our own Fossils using clay and plaster of paris.
We went on an Autumn walk to look at the changes in the plants around us.
Spring 1
Our topic this half term is Frozen planet.
In English we will be talking about toys that are special to them relating to the book The Last Noo-noo as well as poetry learning based on rhyme.
In Maths we will be using our knowledge on numbers to 10 to work up to 20 and telling the time to the hour and half past the hour.
In Science we will look at different objects and learning the materials they are made from. We will be using these materials to help us do experiments with ice.
In Geography we will be comparing weather patterns in the UK compared to Polar regions
In History we will be learning about Ernest Shackleton’s expedition.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Dreams and goals. We will be looking at setting goals for ourselves and taking on new challenges.
We Looked at the author and Illustrator Quentin Blake and make our own character in his style.
For Geography we looked at satellite Images of different weather patterns and make our own pictures showing hot and cold places.
Spring 2
Our topic this half term is Transport.
In English we will be looking at instructions and how we can sequence them. We will also be looking at Handa’s Hen and how text is repeated in stories.
In Maths we will be looking at splitting numbers into tens and ones.
In Science we will look at different materials and their properties and why they are used for different vehicles.
In Geography we will be recapping on the continents and where types of transport can be found around the world. We will also be linking Geography to our History topic by going on a walk around Hitchin and making a map of where we have walked.
In History we will be exploring how Hitchin has changed since the railway came and how transport has changed over time.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Healthy me’. We will be looking at how we can make healthier choices and how to look after our bodies
During this year we have been looking at lots of different Books in our whole class reading times.
Summer 1
Our topic this half term is Animals.
In English we will be finding out the features of non-fiction books and how they can help us, as well as writing non-chronological reports.
Maths this half term will focus on using numbers in context such as in word problems and money.
In R.E, we are looking at human responsibility, which involves looking after our families and the planet we live on.
In PSHE we will be looking at what it means to belong to a family and the different make ups of family we all have as well as celebrating relationships and friendships.
We will be learning about what animals eat and how we can group them in Science. We will also be experiencing different types of Science enquiry.
Summer 2
We had a great time visiting Herring Green Farm were we looked at lots of different animals and got to hold an owl.
An insight into a year's learning in Year 1
Autumn 1
During the following year your child will be studying many different topics. The newsletter is designed to give you a general outline of the topics which we will be learning about. It will also inform you of any extra home work your child will need to do during the half term.
Our topic this half term is Ourselves.
In R.E, we are looking at the different communities we belong to.
In Computing, the children will be learning to log onto their own individual profile saving and opening work. This is part of our internet safety and we will be using the Hector’s World programme to learn how to be safe on the computer.
We will be learning about our bodies in Science, this will include looking at how our bodies work, the way we use our senses and how we change. We will also be looking at the differences between humans and animals and what they both need to keep healthy.
In English we are learning about labels and captions, then poetry based on our senses.
We will then be looking at writing stories with familiar settings.
Maths will still take a practical approach in year 1 but your child will be learning to sort order and classify objects as well as counting, adding and subtracting them.
In Art we will looking at portraits and recreating our own portraits in the style of different artist.
Portraits in the style of Picasso
Autumn 2
This term our topic is all about Dinosaurs.
We have been on a walk to the museum to look at the fossil that where found on the sight of Highbury school.
We will be learning about what animals eat and how we can group them in Science. We will also be experiencing different types of Science enquiry.
We will be writing recounts and learning how to sequence instructions in English.
Maths this half term will focus on numbers to 10 through sorting, identifying, grouping, addition and subtraction.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Celebrating differences’. We will be looking at things that are the same as our friends and things that are different and how we accept these differences.
We looked at lots of different fossils and learnt about Mary Anning. We also make our own Fossils using clay and plaster of paris.
We went on an Autumn walk to look at the changes in the plants around us.
Spring 1
Our topic this half term is Frozen planet.
In English we will be talking about toys that are special to them relating to the book The Last Noo-noo as well as poetry learning based on rhyme.
In Maths we will be using our knowledge on numbers to 10 to work up to 20 and telling the time to the hour and half past the hour.
In Science we will look at different objects and learning the materials they are made from. We will be using these materials to help us do experiments with ice.
In Geography we will be comparing weather patterns in the UK compared to Polar regions
In History we will be learning about Ernest Shackleton’s expedition.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Dreams and goals. We will be looking at setting goals for ourselves and taking on new challenges.
We Looked at the author and Illustrator Quentin Blake and make our own character in his style.
For Geography we looked at satellite Images of different weather patterns and make our own pictures showing hot and cold places.
Spring 2
Our topic this half term is Transport.
In English we will be looking at instructions and how we can sequence them. We will also be looking at Handa’s Hen and how text is repeated in stories.
In Maths we will be looking at splitting numbers into tens and ones.
In Science we will look at different materials and their properties and why they are used for different vehicles.
In Geography we will be recapping on the continents and where types of transport can be found around the world. We will also be linking Geography to our History topic by going on a walk around Hitchin and making a map of where we have walked.
In History we will be exploring how Hitchin has changed since the railway came and how transport has changed over time.
In Jigsaw PSHE this half term our topic is ‘Healthy me’. We will be looking at how we can make healthier choices and how to look after our bodies
During this year we have been looking at lots of different Books in our whole class reading times.
Summer 1
Our topic this half term is Animals.
In English we will be finding out the features of non-fiction books and how they can help us, as well as writing non-chronological reports.
Maths this half term will focus on using numbers in context such as in word problems and money.
In R.E, we are looking at human responsibility, which involves looking after our families and the planet we live on.
In PSHE we will be looking at what it means to belong to a family and the different make ups of family we all have as well as celebrating relationships and friendships.
We will be learning about what animals eat and how we can group them in Science. We will also be experiencing different types of Science enquiry.
Summer 2
We had a great time visiting Herring Green Farm were we looked at lots of different animals and got to hold an owl.