At Highbury, we place great importance on settling the children into school, whether as a new entrant or as a child starting in a new year group.
In recent times things have been rather different and we have had to reshape parts of our transition process. Even though we have returned to more face to face options, we are also keeping some of the virtual processes we have introduced.
New starters
Meetings are usually held for parents of Nursery and Reception new starters in the second half of the summer term. These will detail the arrangements for September and other important information you will need to know. The first week or so will consist of a visit with a parent and some shortened sessions to ensure a smooth settling in period.
When Covid restrictions were in place, we were not able to hold live meetings and so we made some presentations containing relevant information for parents instead. Most of the information is still valid and so you may find them useful (please click on the presentations below). Please note some details may differ and that the face to face meetings provide the most up to date information.
Nursery parents
Reception parents
Details of our school uniform are included in the parent presentation, but click here for details:
A copy of our transition booklet appears below. If your child is going to be in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in Highbury in September, we are asking you to complete this with your child at home and return it at the beginning of the new school year. In the first few weeks of the new term, they will get a chance to share it with the adults in their class and we hope that this will establish a deeper, fun and more personal link to the child outside school.
Anything the child wants to draw or write in the booklet is fine; photographs are also a great idea! You can of course scribe for them, add extra things, or write things yourself but be aware that the booklets will be read together in school and so we ask that you write in clear, child friendly speak about things that you have already discussed with your child, particularly around any worries they may have.
We hope this booklet will prompt some gentle conversations with the children at home that might allow you to both reflect and give us better insight to what makes them happy and we thank you as ever for your support with this approach. We repeat the process at the start of each new academic year, as things are likely to change as children mature and move to different adults and situations.
Click below for a copy of the booklet to complete:
Please also see for more useful information about supporting your child as they start school.
Please also see some useful leaflets:
Children coming into a new class at Highbury
Nursery and Reception children joining us in September, will have a carefully planned transition week and a visit with their parent at the beginning of the Autumn term.
Children who are moving into a new class at Highbury in September, will be given the opportunity to visit their new classroom and the staff in there, before the end of the summer term.
Please click below for the relevant class booklet for your child. These include photographs of the staff, classrooms and key areas:
A copy of our transition booklet appears below. If your child is going to be in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in Highbury in September, we are asking you to complete this with your child at home and return it at the beginning of the new school year. In the first few weeks of the new term, they will get a chance to share it with the adults in their class and we hope that this will establish a deeper, fun and more personal link to the child outside school.
Anything the child wants to draw or write in the booklet is fine; photographs are also a great idea! You can of course scribe for them, add extra things, or write things yourself but be aware that the booklets will be read together in school and so we ask that you write in clear, child friendly speak about things that you have already discussed with your child, particularly around any worries they may have.
We hope this booklet will prompt some gentle conversations with the children at home that might allow you to both reflect and give us better insight to what makes them happy and we thank you as ever for your support with this approach. We repeat the process at the start of each new academic year, as things are likely to change as children mature and move to different adults and situations.
Click below for a copy of the booklet to complete:
Useful Resources
Using a visual day planner may help ease your child back into school after the summer break.
Please click here for a Day Planner
Please click here for some symbols to help children in the Foundation Stage
Please click here for some symbols to help children in Key Stage 1
Please click here for a visual letter to the children
There will be a gentle start to the term for everyone, whether they are new to Highbury, or returning to a different class.