
Happy children learn best and happy teachers teach well!


Our aim is to develop academic and emotional resilience through pastoral and intervention support that in turn increases mental wellbeing and happiness.

Children are introduced to an infant version of the Government initiative the 5 ways to wellbeing, which at Highbury we call the Feel good fingers.

The five fingers are used to remember 5 areas, connect, keep learning, take notice, give and keep active.

We even have a song:


Find a friend to play with you.

Find a new thing you can do.

Find some time just for yourself.

Find a way that you can help.

Find a way to get to move.

Now you have the Feel Good Groove


Our aim is that staff feel recognised, heard, encouraged and supported and feel that work is a place of safety and happiness, where they are pleased to come.


We aim to have informed, supported, and listened to parents.


Please follow this link to find out more information about our approach:

Parent Wellbeing Powerpoint

10 Resilience Messages

Highbury Feel Good Poster

Highbury Feel Good Song

Highbury Nursery Regulation Poster

Highbury KS1 Regulation Poster

Zones of Regulation Summary for Parents


Some useful information from a recent Highbury parent workshop on wellbeing led by Mind:

5 ways primary checklist

Parents 5W2WB

Local SEND provision and support weekly information for parents
